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What is wealth?

Being able to make the choices you want in life, whether you're rich or not.

Just launching your adult life?  Or are you decades into it?  Either way, an independent, professional can help you strengthen your financial safety net and support your journey.

Welcome to fee-only financial planning offered on an hourly fee or fixed retainer basis !

Old Field Advisors cuts through the hype, the myths and the media noise to help you

  • Filter generic or conflicting advice for the specifics important to your life,  resources and goals;
  • Evaluate whether critical financial foundations need to be strengthened before you even think about portfolio returns; 
  • Reduce risk,  focus on what matters, and streamline the time and the cost of managing your financial life.

While we provide advice 'as needed', you should assume that the minimum time needed for an initial engagement is 2 hours.  (See the ‘Limited Edition’ option below). The guidelines below will help you to anticipate the time and cost involved.

Limited Edition Planning  

Our ‘Limited Edition’ option offers an introductory 2 hour engagement for $800 ($400/hr.).  All new clients start with a Limited Edition engagement, in order to efficiently address whatever we can and develop the work plan for any goals we can't complete within that initial engagement.

We’ll ask that you provide us with the relevant background information prior to our meeting, then schedule a working session.  That initial meeting may range from 30 to 60 minutes, as your goals require. Following that discussion, we provide you a written summary and action plan.

Portfolio Reviews    

Portfolio reviews generally cost between $2,000 – 5,000, depending on how diverse are your assets.  The more accounts, securities and/or funds, the more time we’ll need to spend on your analysis.

'Next Act' Planning

Are you planning a sabbatical or a new direction in life for your next act?
Maybe your next act is a more (or less) traditional retirement?  
Or maybe your next act wasn't your choice or on your schedule .

A 'Next Act' can happen at any age ... and with longer expected lives, they will !  What ever the trigger, if your next act is a big change from your current life, it's time to do some serious cash flow planning and learn the differences between managing a distribution portfolio versus an accumulation one.  

And if your next act is a more  traditional retirement, you face once-in-your lifetime decisions that will impact your quality of life, for the rest of your life. 

We're retirement income specialists, helping you maximize your tax efficiency, Social Security and Medicare benefits as well as employer retirement benefits and portfolio distribution strategies.   

We cover

  •  Advice on employee benefits and stock options
  •  Lump-sum distribution advice
  •  Cash-flow planning
  •  Analysis of insurance needs
  •  Education funding strategies
  •  Estate planning    

Transition Retainers

Do you need help getting large cash balances or inherited portfolios from where they are to where you want them to be?  

Even for those who normally manage their own portfolio, the situations that trigger major portfolio remakes (death, divorce, sudden wealth) are often emotional and overwhelming.  Retaining a professional to manage that transition can reduce individual stress, family friction and the hazards of tackling a complex tax and legal learning curve in challenging circumstances.  Let us help you get from here to there.